We can help you choose what to include in your unique basket. We provide gift baskets for all occasions - just give us a call and let us know what you're looking for. Leave the rest to us!
A deep golden robe. Delicate vivacious and long-lasting bubbles are the result of more than 36 months of ageing in chalk cellars. With 40% of reserve wines (the maximum possible amount), the blend offers a complex, voluptuous nose with notes of freshly baked brioche and the richness of roasted coffee beans. A precise selection of wines, purposely limited to 60 crus, ensures the Charles Heidsieck Brut Reserve a deliciously sophisticated harmony. An opulent selection of ripe, sun-drenched fruits such as mango, apricot, and greengage plum combines with dried fruits, pistachio and almond. The texture is reminiscent of a crisp layer of nougatine on a velvety cream pastry filled with plump red plums and ripe cherries. The reserve wines, some dating back ten years give the wine lushness. The depth of the thousand-year-old chalk quarries where the wine matures offer a touch of praline along with notes of amber and vanilla.
At GourmetPhile I feel welcomed, relaxed, informed and satiated. Every member of the staff is both knowledgeable and genuinely hospitable. The food and drink offered is of the highest quality, and there is truly something for everyone - price and taste. The joy and passion the staff has for their craft is so inspiring and refreshing. A great spot to bring friends, family and loved ones. Simply, it is a family-feel business with elegant and well-chosen gourmet resources. A 5-star establishment in every way.
This is my go-to gift shop! Unique foods and wine, beer and DIVINE chocolates. There may be other cheese shops, wine shops, chocolate shops... but they are ordinary. GourmetPhile is EXTRAORDINARY in each of these categories! GO! You'll feel like you've just made the greatest discovery of local gems. And you did!
Amazing selection of wine! My favorite European cheese.. and chocolate is to die for!It's Boca's Gem! Highly recommend!
Boca doesn't have enough fun activities or unique finds. It's amazing to encounter both in one hidden gem. Every wine there is top notch, available at every budget. The food items though really take my breath away. This is your one stop shop for an elevated Netflix n Chill. Don't miss this treasure!
I simply can't believe hadn't found this place before! Amazing service, quality and truly unique selections!
GourmetPhile has the best food and wine. The tastings are amazing, and I will never stop coming!
Hidden Gem! This place is definitely worth the stop. The staff is great and very accommodating I purchased a few gift cards from this place. I'm sure every recipient will be very happy stopping by this beautiful place. They have many selections of wine, chocolate, cheese, etc. Their tasting events are a must-try! They have events every month. Make sure you stop and check it out!